Canvas for summer jacket

Started by Philipdep, March 08, 2022, 05:07:38 PM

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Hi all-- I'm wondering if there are any guidelines for how to canvas a spring/summer jacket. My thoughts are to keep layers to a minimum and make sure things are breathable. Maybe keep it to a layer of med/lightweight hymo and haircloth chestpiece, but I'm not certain. Thanks for the help/advice!


Maybe use a linen canvas and skip the padding. A lot of Italian tailors do this.


There is a video series that was published by Kirby Allison with tailor Eric Jensen. Jensen does Italian styled tailorings, and I think he explained in one of the videos that he cuts the canvas to fit around the shoulders or armhole. And he mentioned he uses a linen canvas for the interior since linen is a pretty durable fabric.

The canvas cut He may have been referring too might have been something like this:

Hope that helps a bit.




Thank you. This is very helpful!