Just for Fun

Started by Schneiderfrei, March 18, 2021, 11:03:54 PM

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Schneider sind auch Leute


Schneider sind auch Leute


Interesting, though silk is pretty disgusting when you think about it.  :)

You may be interested in this compilation of docs (if you haven't seen it already). Some prominent UK mills. Some of the Harris Tweed makers are in the 'endangered' category:



Schneider sind auch Leute


And this is where a fair proportion of that cloth ends up (the mp4s can be downloaded as a zip by right clicking the relevant download link):



How weird, Scneiderfrei - I just found those silk videos last night myself as I pulled a piece of silk off of a clearance table for $9/yD. Brought it home a did the burn test, wrinkle test. Etc
It might have some rayon in it, but it doesn't hold a wrinkle well, they drop out more like a Matka.

Perfectly certain it isn't the Cotton/polyester/olefin listed on the bolt.

Either way. Nice summer jacket for me. I love to wear silk matka in summer. Cool, wrinkles fall out easily, too bad it isn't a bit more durable.